I first had my interest in software engineering when I was about 19 years old. I always though it was interesting and I saw that it was a very booming industry and will be a necessity for the foreseeable future. On top of that, I have always been interested in computers in general since a very young age. I had put them together with my dad as a hobby growing up, and then got into coding a little bit in the Myspace days. This was very entry level but I did enjoy doing it so I took it upon myself to learn a little bit extra to have a little bit more than what the average user could do. Once I got into college, and saw the computer science courses I quickly realized that was going to be the right path for me.
Once I had decided to change majors and go for computer science, two quarters in I became very ill and had to drop the cohort due to being hospitalized and on bed rest for a total of about 6 months. Once I had recovered, I had to join the workforce and couldn’t continue my education for what I wanted to go for. Recently, with the coronavirus layoffs, I was effected and rather than panicing, I took it as a blessing in disguise to be able to chase my dream career and go to school for what I really wanted to do. Software Engineering. This has not been an easy first two weeks, but it has felt rewarding. I am not sure what I am retaining as far as knowledge but the familiarity is definitely increasing as the days go on.